
New “Bezza” Tesla SURPRISING Netizens on X 

1 min read
MOT, Bezza Tesla, Malacca Securities
Image screen shotted from X user @jllmisai

Apparently an owner of a Tesla recently placed a Perodua Bezza plaque at the back of their car. Netizens find it peculiar for someone to buy a lavish car only for them to place the name of a local car behind it. 

Bezza Tesla surprising netizens 

An X user joked that they wanted to get a Bezza but the loan was approved for a Tesla instead. Another joked that this is an unofficial collaboration between the two companies. Some are even asking the possibility of this actually happening in Malaysia. 

Another user showed a photograph of a Mini Cooper having a Satria sticker on it. It seems that Malaysians are attached to their local cars to the point that buying foreign cars would still have them rename their cars to popular Malaysian cars. 

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Bezza Tesla
Image screen shotted from X user @jllmisai

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