
Why is a total solar eclipse igniting widespread biblical, political conspiracy theories now?

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Photo by Drew Rae on Pexels.com
Kazi Mahmood
UX/UI Designer at - Adobe

Millions across North America anticipate the solar eclipse on April 8, spanning from Texas to Maine. While eclipses are common, this event has sparked unusual claims. Conspiracy theories suggest biblical significance, tying the eclipse’s path to cities named Nineveh and alleging a new world order agenda.

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Total solar eclipse

However, scrutiny reveals only two Nineveh-named cities in the eclipse’s trajectory, debunking widespread associations. Similar speculations arose during the 2017 eclipse, highlighting society’s fascination with celestial events. Amidst the excitement, experts remind the public to enjoy the spectacle responsibly and discern factual information from conjecture.

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
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Photo by Drew Rae on Pexels.com

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