
Thank You Letter to PM Anwar Ibrahim on Media Freedom

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A week ago, I published an open letter on media freedom in Malaysia and tagged the rightful people for them to read. I have no clue if they did read but now the PM of Malaysia says he guarantees media freedom and he also says people can speak or write about the 3R or race, religion and royals, but they must not go overboard.

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This is fine with me as long as the government and Fahmi Fadzil refrain from imposing limitations on our freedom to report. I reminded them that during their time in opposition, they used us in a way to push their agenda. We also used them to fight for more media freedom in Malaysia.

Letter to PM

I suggest that the government look closely into positive policies and pushs for the reform agendas of the Parti Keadilan Rakyat in particular, to improve the sentiments in Malaysia. This will guarantee media freedom is not abused in the country.

One wise man once told me the people must be fed full stomach and when that happens, they will not go down the streets rampaging or asking for more rights.

Feed your voters with the reform agenda and better economic prospects. These are the keys to better responses from the media.


Kazi Mahmood

person holding canon dslr camera close up photo, Letter to PM
Photo by Terje Sollie on Pexels.com – We are watching – Letter to PM
Watchdog, fahmi, Letter to PM
Freedom of the press in Malaysia

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