
40 individual arrested for drunk driving offenses in Johor

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10 police cars - Photo: X

Johor Police arrested 40 individuals, including 37 locals and three foreigners aged 18 to 60, during a drunk driving operation across the state from Sunday to Monday morning. Johor Police Chief, Commissioner M Kumar, stated that the arrests included 37 men and three women, made by the Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Department under Section 45A(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987 for driving with excessive alcohol levels.

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Drunk driving

Offenders face fines between RM10,000 and RM30,000, up to two years in prison, and a minimum two-year driving license suspension. Additionally, 532 summonses were issued, and a 41-year-old man was arrested for reckless driving under lSection 41(1) of the same act.

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Not the photo from the accident – Photo is from a Video on Facebook
garbage truck
A scene at the location of the accident showing some of the vehicles involved in the crash- Photo from a video clip shared by Astro Radio Traffic.

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