
New: Hubby’s Hobby Turned Him Into the Father of Several Hostess Babies!

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Photo by Asad Photo Maldives on Pexels.com
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Three years ago, a woman’s husband discovered he might have a son from a past fling. A DNA test revealed two children, not just one, both from former hostesses. Now, he’s messaging yet another hostess from his past, suspecting he might have another child. The pattern is clear: hostesses and surprise kids.

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The woman says he claims he needs to know, but she is wondering if he’s secretly starting a reunion tour. How do you just remember another possible child now, she asked. His answer to my her concerns? “I get why you’re mad, but I need to know!” And her instant reply, “Sure, honey, just keep bringing home babies like souvenirs!”

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Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash
hobby, Couples Married Abroad, Malays, MAIPS, pregnant guest, sabri, Citizenship bill, children, rebellion, baby dies, birth, fertility, neighbours sleepless, inhaling, police, 2 babysitters, china woman, birthmark, under-aged, foreign couple, aussie widow, actor, Mom, toddler, childless couples, pregnant, surprise arrival, thieves
Photo of a baby from Unsplash

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