
Now Anwar Brings List of FIRMS Owned by Mahathir’s CHILDREN To Court

1 min read
Raya 2023, Anwar
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In an unexpected move for fallen PM Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the current PM Anwar Ibrahim brought a list of firms to court. This is Anwar’s statement of defence in Mahathir’s RM150mil defamation suit against Anwar.

It appears that Anwar is backing his claims that Mahathir’s children became rich under his tenure as PM with proof.

In his defence, Anwar said the transactions took place under the purview or instruction of Dr Mahathir during his tenure as PM. At that time, Mahathir was also finance minister.

OPCOM And Mukhriz

The PM also cited the awarding of a direct contract to Opcom Sdn Bhd. This is a company where Dr Mahathir’s third son, Datuk Seri Mukhriz, was the director from March 30, 1994, to Oct 14, 2009.

According to DSAI, on Sept 15, 2003, Telekom Malaysia issued a letter to the Finance Ministry requesting, among other things, permission to engage in direct negotiations with Opcom for the supply of fibre optic cables worth RM214.2 million.

He said that Telekom is a government-linked company in which the Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOF Inc) holds a special share (golden share). It gives TM the power to reject decisions made by the board and other shareholders.

“MOF Inc is under the control of the plaintiff (Mahathir) because he was the then-prime minister and the finance minister. On Oct 7, 2003, the Finance Ministry issued a letter approving Telekom’s request for direct negotiations. Subsequently, direct negotiations between Telekom and Opcom took place between October and November 2003,” he said.

Anwar on 2018

Anwar said that another company related to the plaintiff’s family, Opcom Cables Sdn Bhd, was awarded a contract worth RM11.157 million by Telekom on May 14, 2018, for the installation and restoration of Unifi services.

Anwar claims that the contract for Unifi partner was awarded to Opcom Cables four days after Dr Mahathir was sworn in as the country’s seventh prime minister after the 14th General Election on May 10, 2018.

“The contract was also awarded before the formation of the new Cabinet and without their approval. Cabinet ministers were only sworn in on July 2, 2018,” he said.

Meanwhile, Anwar said another company owned by Dr Mahathir’s family, Kencana Petroleum BHD, had received a sum of US$220 million (RM836 million) from Malaysia International Shipping Corporation Berhad (MISC) or PETRONAS for the financial year ending Dec 31, 1998.

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