
“Woke” Malaysians Now OFFENDED With “Mat Tudung” Movie 

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Mat Tudung Woke

The whole debate regarding the transgender issue is still having some sparks among Twitter users. Now, it seems that some woke individuals are showing their distaste towards a movie called “Mat Tudung.” They are claiming that transgender individuals are being discriminated against here, but a comedic movie about the situation is accepted. 

Woke Malaysians offended with “Mat Tudung”

However, there are those pointing out that these movies are acceptable due to it being a mockery towards the LGBT community. Furthermore, more conservative netizens are calling out woke individuals for their criticism of the movie. 

Others are stating that there are boys and men in this country exploiting their bodies out on social media. However, the conservative crowd is seemingly against either women or individuals who are trans. 

Regardless, just like most Asian countries, Malaysia is still very conservative when it comes to sensational topics like this. 

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