
New: Predator Bartender: Accused of Molesting 30 Women, Teens

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Photo by Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura on Pexels.com

A victim of the predator bartender claims that she was assaulted by the bartender when she was just 17 years old! Just for how long was the addict active? What we know is that over the past few days, more than a dozen women have come forward on social media, alleging that a 23-year-old man who lives in Penang, mentally and physically abused them.


“He would love bomb victims and tell them how he’s struggling with his mental conditions to make them sympathise with him. But these are merely lies, so victims won’t retaliate when he’s manipulating them or threatening to hurt himself,” says one victim to Says. Among the allegations: he abused a woman and tried to jump from the 46th floor of his apartment but the ‘drunk‘ woman stopped him. He also owns his own bar in Georgetown, but he was previously fired from other KL bars and is seeking legal advise on the multitude of accusations against him.

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Photo by Tim Gouw on Pexels.com

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