
PN collapsing now, says Lokman Adam

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UMNO communications director Datuk Lokman Noor Adam highlighted PAS spiritual leader Datuk Hashim Jasin’s statement about contesting Bersatu’s seats in potential by-elections, suggesting the Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition is nearing dissolution.

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PN collapsing

Hashim’s remarks indicate PAS’s willingness to field candidates in seats vacated by defecting Bersatu members, showing a lack of respect for Bersatu’s leadership. Lokman warned that this diminishes Bersatu’s influence within PN, signaling early stages of the coalition’s collapse. Hashim also expressed readiness to compete in six parliamentary seats and one state assembly seat expected to be vacated due to the Anti-Hopping Act 2022.

Table of Contents

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Kluster Mahkamah Bersatu Muhyiddin – photo: LM patch – Wikipedia

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